ABC-3PO Star Wars Cute Book for Kids

More Star Wars Mad Libs Fun

A few years ago we featured a Mad Libs book inspired by The Force Awakens. There are other books from Mad Libs that mashup their fill-in-the-blank fun with the world of Star Wars.  With Mad Libs, players pick words in several per-determined categories (like noun, color, adverb, droid, etc)...

Three Books Every Force Awakens Fan Needs

If you loved The Force Awakens, the amazing 7th installment of the Star Wars saga, you really need to read these three books. Get the full story and more when you pick up these official titles!Before the Awakening is a short anthology-style book covering the...

The Force Awakens Mad Libs Book

Gather together with all of your Star Wars fan friends to have a laugh with this big book of Star Wars Mad Libs! Provide answers to the word prompts and then read the hilarious Star Wars stories you create with your answers!

Fun Star Wars Activity Book for Kids

This is a fun Star Wars activity book for kids aged 7-9. It includes stickers and is part of Dorling Kindersley's Factivity collection of educational and fun activity books for youngsters.