Awesome Star Wars Photomosaic Puzzles

Get ready for some family puzzle fun when you get one of these awesome Star Wars puzzles. These puzzles are tough and rewarding -- each large image is actually made of up hundreds of tiny images which is known as a photomosaic. The high-quality Star Wars puzzles are all 1000 pieces.

1 Darth Vader Dark Lord Photomosiac Puzzle

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This photo mosiac puzzle depicts the Dark Lord himself from the waist up in three quarter view. You'll put together the famous helmet/mask and body plate using hundreds of tiny images from the Star Wars saga.

2 Awesome Warrior Yoda Photomosiac Puzzle

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This puzzle depicts Jedi Master Yoda mid-fight, wielding his green lightsaber in battle.

3 Boba Fett Bounty Hunter Photo Mosiac Puzzle

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Put together this image of the bounty hunter Boba Fett using the awesome detailed photomosiac puzzle pieces.

4 Three Star Wars Droids Photomosiac Puzzle

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Three droids from the Star Wars saga -- C-3PO, R2D2, and BB-8 -- stand together in this awesome photomosaic puzzle image.

5 Stormtrooper Photomosiac Star Wars Puzzle

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Put together this tough and challenging image of three white Stormtroopers against a white and red background.

6 R2D2 Close-Up Image Star Wars Mosiac Puzzle

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This is an awesome close-up image of R2D2 made up of hundreds of tiny other images, all from the Star Wars saga. It's so awesome we've actually featured it before! A timeless classic.

Star Wars Vitruvian Man T-Shirts

The Vitruvian Man drawing by Leonardo da Vinci is a famous illustration also known as the Proportions of Man. The ink drawing is based on ideal human body proportions and shows a naked man in two superimposed positions. The famous Renaissance piece demostrates a blend of science and...

Star Wars Oversized Pillow Figures

Fans of the Star Wars saga -- both young and young-at-heart -- will love these plush stuffed character figures from their favorite galactic universe. Heroes and villians alike are well-represented, so choose your side of the Force! Pick up your favorite characters in plush pillow form today!

Best-Selling Force Gifts Star Wars Merch for 2020

Over 40 years after the release of A New Hope, Star Wars remains as popular as ever. Only part of this is due to the incredible success of The Mandalorian -- but it's a big part. Before looking ahead to all of the awesome new Star Wars content...

Star Wars Cat Toys For Furry Friends

Get everyone in your house ready for some Star Wars fun with these cute cat toys inspired by the space saga. You love the series and the amazing stories, characters, ships, droids, and sets -- now your cats can too! Bonus: Star Wars fans will love playing with...