Baby Yoda's Important Role on NASA-SpaceX Mission

You've probably heard by now that a very special little plush toy likeness of The Child from The Mandalorian made an appearance on the recent successful joint mission to send astronauts to the International Space Station from U.S. soil. The toy figure was used as the Crew-1 flight team's "zero G indicator". 

Any small object will do for this purpose, but using a cultural icon makes it more fun.

Earlier this year, the crew of Demo-2, Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley, used a plush dragon chosen by their sons to be their zero G indicator. 

ISS Crew Answers Question About Baby Yoda

The crew talked about Baby Yoda briefly during a recent press conference. The entire video is interesting to watch, but you can skip to the Baby Yoda portion which starts at about 11:40.

Interactive Chewbacca Plush Toy

Here's a hot item for the holidays! This is a new interactie plush toy of everyone's favorite co-pilot, Chewie!

Plush Imperial Pillows: Darth Vader & Stormtrooper

These soft plush pillows each take the form of an iconic helmet belonging to a soldier fighting for the Empire.

Star Wars Oversized Pillow Figures

Fans of the Star Wars saga -- both young and young-at-heart -- will love these plush stuffed character figures from their favorite galactic universe. Heroes and villians alike are well-represented, so choose your side of the Force! Pick up your favorite characters in plush pillow form today!