Sabacc Star Wars Card Game Disney Parks Exclusive

List: Awesome Star Wars Talking Masks

Remember Chewbacca mom? The social media sensation brought hyper-awareness to the awesomeness of the Chewbacca talking mask. But did you know there are other awesome talking Star Wars character masks out there for Star Wars moms and dads (and maybe kids too) to enjoy? Here you go. You're welcome.

Awesome Levitating Death Star Bluetooth Speaker

Bring some of the Dark Side home with this awesome Star Wars themed levitating (!!) Bluetooth speaker. The orb, which looks like the Death Star, floats above a base while delivering 360 degrees of quality sound.

Millennium Falcon Pewter Keychain

Now you can carry the world's most famous Corellian YT-1300 light freighter in your pocket -- on your keychain! This is a mini replica of the ship that Han Solo and Chewbacca use for their galactic adventures.

7 Star Wars Sculpted Character Shape Mugs

These ceramic mugs have something in common -- they are sculpted and painted to have the shape and color scheme of iconic Star Wars characters. Add some Star Wars character to your morning coffee!